Jobs to do in the garden this month…
Lift and divide overgrown clumps of perennials
Plant bare root roses, shrubs and hedging as long as the ground isn’t frozen
Finish pruning roses early in the month
Plant summer flowering bulbs
Tidy up borders, removing established and newly germinating weeds
Cut the old leaves off helebores
Deadhead hydrangeas before new growth appears. Cut to about one-third of last season’s growth
Cut back the old foliage from ornamental grasses before growth begins
Look after the birds; clean the feeders and keep them topped up
Deadhead daffodils and other spring bulbs, but leave the foliage to die back naturally
Mow the lawn on dry days
Hard prune overgrown shrubs and hedges while they’re dormant
Cut dogwoods, willows, cotinus and paulownia right down to the base to promote vigorous new growth
Mulch borders generously with compost
Plant new roses and other shrubs and climbers
Sow Wildflower seeds in trays or modules, to produce plants for your own mini-meadow

Gail Sheppard